How To Delete All Location Information From Old Tweets

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Twitter is one of the most popular social networking sites at present. People are Tweeting all day round. There are options for adding Check In to the Tweets. But due to some privacy concern, people may wish to Delete All Location Information From Old Tweets. Here are the steps involved for that process.

How To Delete All Location Information From Old Tweets

Existing Twitter account has to be opened:
First and foremost one must open an existing Twitter account. There is a “Settings” option on the upper right corner of the home screen. That has to be clicked from the drop down menu. It is known as the user menu available with an arrow beside the DP of the user. On clicking the Settings, all the details of the profile will be shown. There will be the username, email ID, language, the time zone and the Tweet locations. We will be focusing on the location part among the Settings’ menus. Removing the locations from the past Tweets may be a privacy concern.
Many situations arise when one has to Delete All Location Information From Old Tweets. Locations are sort of evidences for a person. It is a personal matter. Deleting of the location data is a time consuming step. It is clearly mentioned on the menu of Twitter that deletion of the locations of past Tweets may take up to 30 minutes of time. It must be made sure that while the deletion is taking place, the net connection or the server does not goes down. Then there may be error in the process. That error may be irreversible later on. So there has to be strong internet connectivity.
Time consuming process:
There is an option called the “Delete all location information”. Then there will be confirmation message. It will ask whether the user is sure to delete all the location information from the past Tweets. The “OK” has to be clicked in that message box. As soon as this is clicked, Twitter will show this message “Deleting all location information from your Tweets… This may take up to 30 minutes. You may leave this page.” This option may be used again in near future.
Deleting location data from previous Tweets can become an important step sometime. That time the user gets confused how to delete so many location data at once. So here are the steps involved to Delete All Location Information From Old Tweets. The user do not needs to worry but the steps have to be fulfilled properly.

Techstic Staff:

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