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How To Run or Simulate Firefox Mobile OS on Computers

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Mozilla has released the new Firefox OS in the market which are competing along with the Android, Windows, iPhone and the Blackberry smart phones. Experts are analyzing the OS minutely and want to find out whether this OS will prove itself better than the other running OSs. Here are the tips to have Firefox Mobile OS on Computers.

How To Run or Simulate Firefox Mobile OS on Computers?

Advantages of Firefox OS:
It has been few years since this OS has been developed. But it came into effect in the recent years. The Firefox OS has been designed to run on smart phones and tablets. This OS is a Linux based OS. The best thing of this OS is that it permits the HTML5 apps to get integrated directly along with the hardware of the device taking help of the Java Script. This OS has also been tested on the smart phones compatible of running Android. At present, it cannot be installed on the smart phones, but one can of course have Firefox Mobile OS on Computers.
The three primary parts of the Firefox OS are the Gonk, which is the kernel of Linux. Second is the Gecko which is the runtime of the application. Finally is the Gaia, which forms the UI of the operating system. The OS is still being experimented and the desktop one is named as the Boot2Gecko or simply B2G. The basic requirement to get the OS on computer is the Firefox browser itself and its extension. Firstly, one should download Firefox browser if it is not there, from this link http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/. If a person has the Firefox browser, he or she need to make sure that the browser is updated with its current version.
Getting the extension:
Next the extension of the stimulator is needed. It can be availed from this link https://people.mozilla.com/~myk/r2d2b2g/. One should download the proper type of extension according to the OS of the user. The size of the file to be downloaded is about 67 MB on an average. The extension of this file will be .XPI. Then this extension must be added on the Add-ons of the extension from the settings. After this, the Web Developer must be opened from the tools and the Stimulator must be turned on. There will be a pop up window showing the OS of the smart phone.
The Firefox OS is altogether a new concept and people are keenly interested to try it out. They can avail this using their Firefox browser by following the process described above. Then they can get an idea of the Firefox OS when they will have Firefox Mobile OS on Computers.

Techstic Staff:

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