How to remove or change Address bar Blogger default Icon ( Favicon ) to Your own Icon
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Blogger folks to get professional impression about your blogspot blog, you need custom domain.But after 301 redirect to custom domain, small blogger icon ( favicon ) in browser address bar also looks little unprofessional.We will share in this article that how you can create favicon, then how you can upload your favicon to free web hosting service, how to change your blogger address bar favicon.So here is our step by step guide : – blogger favicon change
Select an icon of your own from free favicons at Favicons R Us or you can create your own Favicon at The icon size should be preferably square for best performance( i.e. 16×16 pixel, 32×32 pixel, or 64×64 pixel, bigger sizes are supported ) but it should not more than 15 kb for better performance)
Next you will need to host the favicon on a website or web hosting provider. If your blog is on a custom domain you can upload your icon there or you can upload it on a free service,(i.e. ripway free web hosting ).
After uploading blogger icon somewhere get full URL of your favicon.
Now log in to your Blogger Dashboard, go to the Design panel of the blog you want to customize. Select ‘Edit HTML’.
Look for the code below code (it’s somewhere on the top, if you can’t find it select ‘Ctrl + F’ and search for it.)
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